TooDooly: A game and a weekly organizer made fun!
TOODOOLY is a interactive fun dice game and will not end up collecting dust in the corner like other games. It’s also a fun way to organize your week or dividing chores between family members and friends. Be creative and have fun!
Tasks and chores are the reality of everyone’s daily life.
Since we tend to forget, we write, divide and delegate in order to complete them.
And what do all these tasks have in common? They need to be organized, completed and finally checked off the list. The actual “To Do“ becomes yet another item to add to your To Do list.
I asked myself, how we could accomplish our everyday To Dos in a playful manner? At the same time, I wanted to create an added benefit for friends and family. And finally, I wanted to package it in a functional design.
So I designed TooDooly.
It is a game for all ages that will not end up collecting dust, but will bring real fun into organizing and planning the week by sharing daily tasks with your family and friends.
The personal organizer that makes daily planning with your family and friends much more enjoyable and turns into a fun dice game.
The first one to fill their score card and reach the highest number of points wins. Each player will roll the 3 different die with the glass cup.
The “number“ dice gives you the score. The “day“ dice shows you the day of the week where you fill in the score. The “action“ dice has some surprises in store.
You need to react fast and spontaneously. Additional points can be scored or lost. For instance, when you get the joker it means you can make up your own fun task for the other players to complete.
Also: The TooDooly cork can cover your glass cup which indicates you will need to skip one round, but it can also block certain areas of the felt base from your opponents.
The game is over as soon as one player has filled up his section of the master score sheet and says out loud: “TooDooly!“ At that point each player needs to tally their score. The player with the highest score wins.
Further detailed information is included in the instruction book that accompanies the set.
Why don’t we roll the dice to organize?
If you don’t use TooDooly as the fun dice game, it can also help you organize your weekly tasks.
So it is not something that will sit in your closet.
Are you tired of the clutter of trying to figure out who does what?
Use TooDooly as a fun way to divide task between family members or friends.
Everyone writes down the daily chores on the TooDooly Post-It and places them into the glasses corresponding to the days of the week when they have to be done.
Let the roll of the dice determine who does the job.
Everyone writes their names on the given To Do’s, puts them back into the corresponding glasses. Then they´re all set for the week.
Make a game out of organizing your weekly To Do list, instead of it being just another chore!
TooDooly can be a great way to organize your week by using it as a message board or a 3 dimensional shared weekly planner.
TooDooly helps you to remember what needs to get done by keeping all your plans visible and in one place. It also allows you to share messages with others by pinning them to the cork. Why not brighten a loved one’s day with a sweet handwritten note or something unexpected!
Organize your desk and keep all your To Do’s in front of you.
It even looks great in your kitchen to organize your recipes.
It’s a fun way to use TooDooly as your personal designed Advent Calendar.
And much more! Be creative and have fun. It’s up to you.
I wanted to design a fun game that doesn’t just end up sitting in the closet like most gamesIt’s also a fun way to organize your week or dividing chores between family members and friends. Be creative and have fun!